Building Tomorrow

‘Building Tomorrow’ is the capital improvement fundraising campaign of the Davis Islands Civic Association.

Several years ago, the civic association established the Davis Islands Capital Improvement Fund at the Community Foundation of Tampa Bay. The Fund is designated for public improvements on Davis Islands, consistent with the Davis Islands Community Plan. Donors to this 501(c)(3) fund can take the maximum allowed federal income tax deduction for charitable contributions. Money raised to date has been donated to the City of Tampa to help fund restoration of Roy Jenkins Pool. Going forward, fundraising efforts will be directed toward helping fund other projects identified in the DI Community Plan, such as:

– Completion of the linear park, comprised of a Seddon Channel waterfront walkway from TGH to South Davis Boulevard and a paved trail from South Davis Boulevard to Seaplane Basin Park beach.

– Construction of a community center along the Seddon Channel waterfront.

To find out more about the Davis Islands Capital Improvement Fund and how to contribute, contact the civic association”s Building Tomorrow Chair, Denise Cassedy, at

The Civic Association”s Building Tomorrow brochure explains how to contribute to the capital improvement fund. If you would like to download the brochure click here.

THANK YOU, BUILDING TOMORROW DONORS! The Davis Islands Civic Association Board of Directors wishes to thank the following contributors to the Davis Islands Capital Improvement Fund:

President’s Circle ($5,ooo and up):
F.E. Lykes Foundation, Inc.

Champion ($1,000 to $4,999):
Pam Colker
Davis Islands Garden Club
Tampa Marketing Company

Friend (up to $499):
Davis Islands Young Islanders
Kim Cassese
Gordon Giffen
Deborah Kent’s Women’s Apparel & Shoes
Carrie Miller
Bradley Resch
Jake Shumacker